It happens to all of us; sibling rivalry, family fighting over who gets to eat the last KFC drumstick. Mom’s and dad’s watching helplessly, yet often times themselves involved in an all out war over the remote control. Then of course another war begins deciding who gets to watch what; Mom says the Kardashians, dad says anything but, and the kids are just happy with anything that their parents aren’t watching. Don’t even get me started on how crazy a game of Monopoly can get. But that’s family, and we love them, even when we drive each other mad, and this was all normal even before lockdown happened. Family Feuds. They’re real, and sometimes theres meaning behind them, but so is family, and thats what really counts.

So why am I referencing all of the above family craziness? Well, what do you get when you put two families of five on a show, have them compete to win the ultimate jackpot, all under the guise and comedic genius of an American TV personality we all love and adore? You know, he’s the one who always makes us laugh, has a dazzling smile, his own talk show and as a best selling author he’s taught all of us gals how to “Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man” Thats right, its Steve Harvey and he’s brought the game show that has become a global phenomenon African shores – Family Feud is finally on air, with a Mzanzi twist.

Award-winning entertainer and host of Family Feud Africa, Steve Harvey expressed his excitement at the debut of Family Feud in South Africa and the humbling journey he has taken to reach this point.
Mr Harvey has visited South Africa a few times over the years and will be spending more time here and across borders as he builds on his media and business empire throughout the continent of Africa. “I have enjoyed the journey of getting to learn about South Africa and Ghana, and am looking forward to giving back to the continent that has fed my soul,” he said.
“My recent travels and work experience in Africa have changed my perspective on the continent. I am far more aware of some of the challenges being faced in many communities and this has made me even more determined to give back through my projects. I have also been exposed to the most amazing people and cultures. It’s been a humbling journey and one that has undoubtedly broadened my horizons,” said Mr Harvey.
Mr Harvey expressed his gratitude to the teams who have worked on Family Feud and to the South Africans who warmly welcomed him and his family.
A message from Steve to the people of Mzanzi…
“I am also exceptionally grateful to the contestants who have played a key role in my African journey and to the viewers who will soon welcome me into their homes. Being a foreigner, I am learning along the way and I often get things wrong on the show. Fortunately, the contestants have been amazing teachers – correcting my pronunciation and educating me on all things South African!” he said.
In the popular international television game show, two families compete to name the most popular responses to survey questions related to the country. The family that gains the most points walks away with the prize money.
Mr Harvey said he is looking forward to his next visit and is excited about what lies ahead. “Bringing Family Feud to Africa has been a dream of mine for quite some time,” he said. “And it’s just the beginning.”
So how does Family Feud work & what is the Mzanzi twist?
Although dressed up as a game show, Family Feud is really a comedy show, against the backdrop of a game show.
Hosted by the funny-man himself, comedian Steve Harvey who filmed 26 episodes in South Africa, Family Feud South Africa sees Steve Harvey embark on a journey to learn about South Africa and her people, whilst two families of 5 compete to predict the most popular responses to a survey of simple questions related to Mzansi. The answers to the survey are locked into our game board and every point is worth R50.
It’s important to remember that the contestants may give a really good answer, but if it’s not on the board, it doesn’t count. Only the top answers from the survey are on the board.
Each correctly guessed answer is worth a number of points. If 36 people in the survey had the same answer, that answer is worth 36 points.
In Rounds 3 and 4 the points are doubled and then tripled in Round 5.
When a team fails to answer a question that is a called a “strike”. Once a team has 3 strikes the opposing family gets a chance to “steal” the points on the board. If their answer isn’t on the game board, the other family retain the points and win that round.
At the end of Round 5, the family with the least points still takes home money calculated by multiplying their points by R50 plus a consolation prize of KFC to the value of R10k. (KFC for a year)
The other family goes on to play “Fast Money” in a bid to win the jackpot of R75 000 plus their accumulated winnings. Family Feud is all about giving away some serious cash!
Family Feud made its South African debut on Sunday 5th April at 6pm on The show is sponsored by KFC and produced locally by Rapid Blue TV. The 26-episode South African season will air every Sunday at 6pm on from 5th April until 27th September, with a repeat on eExtra on Friday nights.
Be sure to follow Family Feud SA on all of their social media feeds, and don’t forget to hashtag!
Facebook: FamilyFeudAfrica
Instagram: @familyfeudafrica
Twitter: @FeudAfrica
Follow Steve Harvey on his social media feeds:
Facebook: SteveHarvey
Instagram: @iamsteveharveytv
Twitter: @Iamsteveharvey